création de société en bulgarie

Our strength: remote banking introduction*

Responsiveness in real time on our chat online, in English or French, our permanent follow-up and our assistance included in all our packages.

The Premium Pack*: Company incorporation in Bulgaria with no need to travel + banking introduction* + guaranteed EU VAT number. New lower rates from 19/10/23

Pay in 1 instalment €1,992 + VAT.

Pay in 1 instalment

Pay in 2 instalments, deposit €1,016 + VAT.

Pay in 2 instalments
  • When you place your order, you will automatically receive an e-mail with a Company incorporation form to fill in.
  • Payment can also be made by bank transfer: you can place your order above: during payment, you will be offered the option of paying by bank transfer; click on the “Bank transfer” box: when we receive your order, we will send you our bank details for your transfer, with the option of paying in 1 or 2 instalments.

chat with us [email protected] (in english or french)

chat with us +33667896739 (in french) chat with us whatsapp (in french)

chat with us [email protected]
(in english or french)

chat with us +33667896739 (in french)

chat with us whatsapp (in french)

Company incorporation LTD (Limited) in London, without travel, banking introduction* HSBC.
New: contact one of our customer advisers. Would you like to be reassured about our company? We can put you in touch with one of our customer advisers on request.

The Premium Pack includes :

Company formation in Bulgaria without travelling, banking introduction* included + guaranteed EU VAT number.

  • Ultra-fast bank introduction* assistance*.
    Bonus (free): 3 exclusive business ideas not yet exploited.
  • Would you like to be reassured about our services? No problem, we can provide you with the telephone details of one or more of our customers.
  • We guarantee complete, high-quality services, in complete transparency and in a climate of trust; we guarantee real-time availability 6 days a week, 10 hours a day, follow-up and assistance… Find out what our customers have to say about us.
  • Boost your business thanks to our network of contacts throughout Europe (manufacturers, distributors, suppliers, resellers, local agents, logistics and goods reception, etc.).
Banking introduction* (online banking, CB,...) to Revolut Business, Wise,... : €0 (included in all Companies incorporation orders)


Assistance in English (an independent account manager, employed by the bank, calls you and takes care of your request to open an account with Revolut Business or with one of our other partners) : €290 + VAT.


Banking introduction* in a real bank in Europe (French language), network of banking agencies in a country bordering France, with travel : €392 + VAT.


Banking introduction* in a real bank, with a network of branches, WITHOUT TRAVEL (which is rare for a real bank), with of course online access, remotely and with an independent account manager, working for the bank, english and french : without travel, €392 + VAT.


Introduction bancaire frontalière et internationale en banques physiques (agences)*

HSBC banking introduction* in a European Union country; our HSBC contact allows to study the file remotely, unlike the usual HSBC process.
Promo : €552 + VAT.

Création de votre société holding à Londres, sans déplacement, introduction bancaire* HSBC. Nous parlons français

You can, of course, opt for an online banking introduction* (neo-banking: Revolut Business or another of our partners), which is included free of charge in all our Company incorporation packages.


⭐Current promotion: 20% discount

Boost your business with our Europe-wide network of contacts (manufacturers, distributors, suppliers, resellers, local agents, logistics and goods-in, etc.).

Company incorporation in Bulgaria + banking introduction* + guaranteed EU (European Union) VAT number

One of the most important advantages of Company incorporation in Bulgaria for EU citizens is access to the European single market. As Bulgaria is an EU Member State, companies incorporated in the country can enjoy the benefits of the free movement of goods, services, capital and labour within the EU.

Many expatriates come to Bulgaria with the idea of setting up a new business or moving the one they have in their country of origin, to take advantage of the favourable tax regime (10% corporation tax) and the business climate.

Bulgaria has a fast company registration process, particularly for non-residents. Note that you can register a company here without necessarily coming to Bulgaria.

It is important to know that foreigners face legal restrictions on buying land in Bulgaria; however, these restrictions do not apply to cross-border businesses in Europe.

On the contrary, cross-border companies in Europe can buy and own land in Bulgaria without any restrictions; as far as company operations are concerned, the company does not incur any costs after registration unless it is operational.

société bulgarie

Before starting the procedure for registering your company, you will need to think about these requirements:

  • your company must have an address in Bulgaria (don’t worry, we’ll provide it for you, it’s included in our package),
  • your company must have initial capital, which must be deposited in a local bank (we’ll take care of this, the share capital can be as little as €1),
  • you must choose a name and a scope of activity for your company (once you have ordered your Company incorporation in Bulgaria, you will automatically receive a Company incorporation form to fill in, in which you will indicate your choice of company name (3 choices), future activity, etc…

See also Ready-to-use Bulgarian company

Very important: choose the legal form of your company

There are several options, the most common of which are:

  • “One Person Limited Liability Company” (EOOD) – an entity with a single owner with limited liability
  • “Private Limited Liability Company (OOD) – owned by two or more limited liability partners
  • “Sole Proprietor” (ET) – very small business (full owner liability)
  • “Freelance – sole trader
  • “Public Limited Company (AD) – joint stock company – commercial company whose capital is held by its members
  • “Branch in Bulgaria” – foreign legal entities registered abroad may register a branch in Bulgaria

Step 1 : Company name and activity

Vous devez choisir un nom de société et son activité, qui seront les marqueurs de votre entreprise sur le marché ainsi que devant l’administration bulgare.

Step 2 : Register your business address

Registering your address is the next compulsory step in the process of setting up your company. Your company must have a Bulgarian address.

Step 3 : Registration on the official government register

Under Bulgarian law, any new company must be registered in the official commercial register accessible to the public.

The procedure for registering a company in Bulgaria does not differ when local or cross-border persons in Europe are part of or own the company.

Under Bulgarian law, there is no restriction on the size of the foreign shareholding in the capital of a Bulgarian company and, therefore, up to 100% of the share capital of a local company may be held by foreign persons.

The minimum capital required to register a limited liability company in Bulgaria is BGN 2 (EUR 1).

It is also essential to know that Bulgarian company laws do not discriminate against foreign companies. Accordingly, a foreigner who registers a company in Bulgaria enjoys the same privileges and is subject to the same business conditions as local companies.

Who can register a company in Bulgaria?

Anyone who has reached the age of 18, regardless of citizenship. There are basically no formal requirements or conditions for foreign citizens wishing to register a company. It does not matter whether you are an EU citizen or not.

What type of company should I register?

The type of company you are looking for is almost certainly an OOD. These are the widely known and preferred limited liability companies around the world – LLC or Ltd. For much larger businesses, it may be appropriate to register a company limited by shares, but these cases are very rare.

What should you bear in mind?

First of all, you need to know that in Bulgaria, you can only register a company with a name written in Cyrillic. You are free to add a name in Latin, but it must match the Cyrillic name. The name must also be available, i.e. there must be no company with the same name already registered. We take care of everything.

Company registration documents must be drawn up in Bulgarian. You can also use bilingual documents, but translation into Bulgarian is essential. Once again, we take care of everything.

Companies incorporation in Bulgaria offers a favorable environment, with relatively straightforward procedures and an attractive tax regime. Once the company has been registered and is up and running, you need to make sure that you comply with the legal, tax and accounting requirements in force in Bulgaria. It is worth consulting an expert in Companies incorporation in Bulgaria, to help you throughout the process of setting up your company.

Why set up a company in Bulgaria?

There are several reasons why some people choose to set up a company in Bulgaria:

Favorable taxation: Bulgaria offers one of the lowest tax rates in Europe, with a corporate tax rate of 10% (as of 04/30/24). This makes it an attractive destination for companies seeking to optimize their tax burden.
Administrative simplicity: setting up and running a company in Bulgaria can be relatively straightforward and inexpensive compared with other European countries. Administrative processes are often simplified and there is less bureaucracy to contend with.

Access to the European market: as a member of the European Union, Bulgarian companies benefit from access to the EU’s single market, making it easier for them to trade with other member countries.

Affordable cost of living: the cost of living in Bulgaria is generally lower than in many other European countries, which can reduce business-related expenses.
Lower-cost skilled labor: Bulgaria has a skilled workforce, particularly in fields such as IT, engineering and professional services, and salaries are often lower than in other European countries.
Business-friendly regulatory framework: the Bulgarian government has put in place various measures to encourage investment and facilitate the creation and operation of businesses.

In summary :

Relocating, taking over or setting up a company in Bulgaria

Relocating, taking over or setting up a company in Bulgaria offers a number of advantages, particularly in terms of taxation, labor costs and access to the European market.

Understand the main stages and benefits of this approach:

Advantages of relocating, taking over or setting up a company in Bulgaria

Attractive tax system :

– Corporate income tax: 10% tax rate, one of the lowest in the European Union.
– Personal income tax: Flat rate of 10%.
– VAT: Standard rate of 20%, with reduced rates for certain goods and services.

Competitive labor costs :

– Relatively low wages compared to Western Europe.
– Quality of workforce, with a good proportion of skilled people who speak foreign languages.

Access to the European market :

– Bulgaria has been a member of the European Union since 2007, facilitating trade and investment.
– Regulations in line with European standards.

Infrastructure and government support :

– Continuous improvement of infrastructure, especially transport and communications.
– Government incentives for foreign investors.

Steps for transferring, taking over or setting up a company in Bulgaria

Market research and planning:

– Analysis of the opportunities and challenges specific to your industry in Bulgaria.
– Preparation of a detailed business plan.
Choice of legal form:

– Common options: Limited liability company (OOD), joint stock company (AD).

Determine the structure that best suits your operational and tax needs.

Company registration (what we do for you):

– Choose a company name and check its availability.
– Preparation of incorporation documents (Articles of Association).
– Registration with the Bulgarian Commercial Register.
– Bank introduction

Sociétés prêtes à l'emploi en Bulgarie - Ready made companies in Bulgaria + introduction HSBC* incluse

Obtain necessary licenses and permits :

Depends on the company’s activities (specific licenses may be required).
Tax and accounting management (by our partner):

– VAT registration and other tax obligations.
– Set-up of accounting in accordance with local standards.
– Possible use of external accounting services to ensure compliance.

Recruitment and human resources :

– Recruit local staff in compliance with Bulgarian labor laws.
– Possible training and integration of staff.

Language: Although many Bulgarians speak foreign languages, it is useful to have documents and communication in the local language.

Conclusion :
Bulgaria offers an attractive environment for relocating, taking over or setting up a business, thanks to its tax advantages*, competitive labor costs and access to the European market.

Company incorporation in Bulgaria

Setting up a company in Bulgaria can be an attractive proposition, thanks to its favorable tax environment and relatively low costs. Here are the main steps involved in setting up a company in Bulgaria:

1. Choosing the type of company

The most common type of company set up in Bulgaria is the limited liability company (OOD), but there are also other types such as the joint-stock company (AD) and the sole proprietorship (ET).

2. Reserving the company name
The company name must be unique and not already registered. You can check the availability of the name via the Bulgarian Commercial Register.

3. Drafting the articles of association
The company’s articles of association must be drafted and include information such as the company name, the address of the registered office, the main activities, details of the partners, and the share capital.

4. Opening a bank account
A bank account must be opened in the company’s name to deposit the required minimum share capital (for an OOD, the minimum capital is BGN 2).

5. Company registration
The company must be registered with the Bulgarian Commercial Register. The necessary documents include the articles of association, proof of deposit of share capital, a declaration of consent by the managing directors, and a certificate of absence of criminal convictions for the managing directors.

6. VAT registration
If the company’s annual sales exceed BGN 50,000, it is compulsory to register for VAT. However, voluntary registration is also possible before this threshold is reached.

7. Registration with tax and social security authorities
The company must register with the National Revenue Agency (NRA) to obtain a tax identification number and ensure compliance with social security obligations.

8. Compliance with accounting and tax obligations
Accurate bookkeeping and compliance with tax and reporting obligations are essential. In Bulgaria, tax returns are generally made annually, and accounts must be audited if certain conditions are met.

Practical advice
Calling on our expertise in Bulgarian business formalities can facilitate the process and ensure compliance with local legislation.

Understanding tax benefits :

Bulgaria offers a corporate tax rate of 10%, one of the lowest in the EU, as well as business advantages in certain economic zones.

Advantages of setting up a company in Bulgaria

Setting up a company in Bulgaria offers several key advantages:

Tax advantages: Bulgaria offers one of the lowest corporate tax rates in the European Union, at 10%. In addition, personal income tax is also 10%, making it a very attractive tax environment for entrepreneurs and investors wishing to establish themselves personally in Bulgaria as well as professionally.

Low operating costs: Labor and administrative costs in Bulgaria are among the lowest in Europe. This includes salaries, office rents and professional services.

Access to the European market: As a member of the European Union, Bulgaria offers direct access to the common European market. Bulgarian companies benefit from trade agreements and the free movement of goods, services, capital and people within the EU.

Infrastructure and logistics: Bulgaria boasts a well-developed infrastructure, including roads, ports and airports that facilitate trade. It is also strategically located at the crossroads of Eastern and Western Europe, Asia and the Middle East.

Stable banking and financial system: Bulgaria has a stable, well-regulated banking sector, which facilitates financial transactions and investments.

Incentives for foreign investment: The Bulgarian government offers various incentives to attract foreign investment, including subsidies, tax exemptions and simplified administrative procedures.

Availability of skilled labor: The country has a well-educated and skilled workforce, particularly in the technology, IT services and engineering sciences sectors.

Simplified administrative procedures: Setting up a business in Bulgaria is relatively quick. Administrative formalities are minimal, and it is possible to set up a company in just a few days.

Economic and political stability: Bulgaria has a stable economy and is politically stable, which reduces the risks for investors and entrepreneurs.

These advantages make Bulgaria an attractive destination

*Fiduciary fees may be added to our initial fee. Our fee does not include direct debit.

As an option, on request and subject to quotation, we can help you create the economic substance of your company (location, materialization, recruitment, organization, development).

*The registration of a bank account* by a third party is illegal, even with a power of attorney; we invite you to be wary of sites offering to open a bank account* for you. An independent manager from our company, an account manager working for the bank, will call you to handle your request to open a bank account*. Our service is to put you in touch with the bank, not to open a bank account*. The bank has the sole right to decide whether or not to open a bank account* (art. L. 312-1, II CMF). The bank’s decision is based on the applicant’s profile and eligibility to open a bank account*. We do not open a bank account ourselves and do not guarantee the opening of a bank account*. Banking introduction* is a service obligation, not a performance obligation or a results requirement. See our other special conditions and our Terms of use, sales and privacy policy.