Company incorporation LTD (Limited) in London, without travel, banking introduction* HSBC.

Our strength: remote banking introduction*

Responsiveness in real time on our chat online, in English or French, our permanent follow-up and our assistance included in all our packages.

The Premium Pack : HOLDING COMPANY 100% online, no need to travel | Pay in 1 or 2 instalments | banking introduction* included

Pay in 1 instalment € 632 + VAT.

Pay in 1 instalment

Pay in 2 instalments, deposit € 332 + VAT.

Pay in 2 instalments

Great promo :

Société HOLDING + HSBC bank introduction*: 1290 € + VAT or in 2 instalments 665 + VAT. Possibility of payment by bank transfer

Show that your company has a long history:

HOLDIG company ready for use (already registered) :

2023 HOLDING company + HSBC bank introduction*: €1690 + VAT or in 2 instalments €865 + VAT Possibility of payment by bank transfer

  • When you place your order, you will automatically receive an e-mail with a Company incorporation form to fill in.
  • Payment can also be made by bank transfer: you can place your order above: during payment, you will be offered the option of paying by bank transfer; click on the “Bank transfer” box: when we receive your order, we will send you our bank details for your transfer, with the option of paying in 1 or 2 instalments.

chat with us [email protected] (in english or french)

chat with us +33667896739 (in french) chat with us whatsapp (in french)

chat with us [email protected]
(in english or french)

chat with us +33667896739 (in french)

chat with us whatsapp (in french)

Company incorporation LTD (Limited) in London, without travel, banking introduction* HSBC.

The Premium Pack includes:

  • HOLDING company formation in London (UK), no need to travel, banking introduction*.
  • Whatever your nationality, you can set up your company in London in 1 day, 100% online. You don’t need a London address, you don’t need to be resident in London, and you don’t need a visa. Share capital from £1.
  • Ultra-fast bank introduction* assistance*.
  • Bonus (offered): 3 exclusive business ideas not yet exploited.
  • Would you like to be reassured about our services? No problem, we can provide you with the telephone numbers of one or more customers.
  • Boost your business with our network of contacts throughout Europe (manufacturers, distributors, suppliers, resellers, local agents, logistics and goods receiving, etc.).

Don’t leave your company incorporation to just anyone. With us, you benefit from the following advantages and guarantees:

There’s no need to travel to set up your company, or to introduce your bank*. What’s more, we speak French.

Share capital of £1 registered*, not deposited. Possibility of registering a larger share capital, without depositing it in the bank when the company is registered and the bank account opened*.
Banking introduction* (online banking, CB,...) to Revolut Business, Wise,... : €0 (included in all Companies incorporation orders)


Assistance in English (an independent account manager, employed by the bank, calls you and takes care of your request to open an account with Revolut Business or with one of our other partners) : €290 + VAT.


Banking introduction* in a real bank in Europe (French language), network of banking agencies in a country bordering France, with travel : €392 + VAT.


Banking introduction* in a real bank, with a network of branches, WITHOUT TRAVEL (which is rare for a real bank), with of course online access, remotely and with an independent account manager, working for the bank, english and french : without travel, €392 + VAT.


Introduction bancaire frontalière et internationale en banques physiques (agences)*

HSBC banking introduction* in a European Union country; our HSBC contact allows to study the file remotely, unlike the usual HSBC process.
Promo : €552 + VAT.

Création de votre société holding à Londres, sans déplacement, introduction bancaire* HSBC. Nous parlons français

You can, of course, opt for an online banking introduction* (neo-banking: Revolut Business or another of our partners), which is included free of charge in all our Company incorporation packages.

Among our strengths :

  1. Fast, guaranteed company registration in around 1-2 working days (London) + free banking introduction*.
  2. When you order, we will send you by e.mail, a company incorporation form online to complete and you will attach a copy of your passport or identity card and proof of address.
  3. Ultra-fast online service (no paperwork and no travel (for certain countries including England, Scotland, Ireland, Bulgaria, Malta, etc..
  4. As soon as your company is registered, we’ll e-mail you the PDF incorporation documents. You’ll receive your company’s documents by e-mail in real time.
  5. Free customer support in French, 6 days a week, from 9am to 7pm.
New: contact one of our customer advisors. Would you like to be reassured about our company? We can put you in touch with one of our customer advisors on request.

⭐Current promotion: 20% discount

Boost your business with our Europe-wide network of contacts (manufacturers, distributors, suppliers, resellers, local agents, logistics and goods-in, etc.).

“In the event of dividends being paid by a French company to a British company which holds, directly or indirectly, at least 10% of the capital of the French company, no withholding tax will be due in France in application of the agreement.

Creating your company in Europe means being in or close to the European Union (EU), reassuring your customers, maintaining your reputation, optimizing your commercial potential, building solid relations with your bank (avoiding untimely account blockages, facilitating and securing transactions, etc.), not setting up in a “tax haven” (see the recommendations and the black and gray lists of the OECD and the EU), etc. 

“As a result, profits made in businesses operated abroad by companies headquartered in France are not subject to French tax, even if the accounting for these businesses is centralized in France.”

Hague International Convention (Decree 92-521 of June 16, 1992) “Any natural or legal person resident in the European Community has the right to set up a company in the country of their choice without having to be resident there for tax purposes”.  

Société à Londres

Setting up a holding company

The creation of a holding company is governed by a specific regime in London. You can set up a holding or parent company and benefit from a number of interesting advantages thanks to an agency agreement.

An agency agreement is a legal document by which two parties are bound by an agreement. More explicitly, a daughter company is linked to a parent company. The profits made by the daughter company are passed on in part to the parent company, in the form of after-tax dividends from the subsidiary, in proportion to the shares held by the holding company: consult a tax lawyer before ordering a holding company.

Création de votre société holding à Londres, sans déplacement, introduction bancaire* HSBC. Nous parlons français

A holding company is a parent company with an interest in one or more subsidiaries, which does not necessarily trade itself; its main purpose is to form a group of companies.

There may be several reasons why having a holding company in a group structure is more advantageous than having a stand-alone company :

1. Share
One of the main advantages is the management of costs, risks, know-how and customer relations.

If a company makes group purchases or sales, makes investments, or pools R&D (Research & Development), technologies, production, recruitment, premises, communication, security, industrial property, etc., it is worth considering grouping them into separate subsidiaries under the joint control of a holding company.

There may be administrative functions and central services which are used by different companies within a group. These can be located within a holding company, which then invoices the subsidiaries so that costs are distributed appropriately between them, or even pooled.

Création de votre société holding à Londres, sans déplacement, introduction bancaire* HSBC. Nous parlons français

2. Protect
A holding company can be used to hold a company’s assets, such as trading or investment properties, plant and machinery, intellectual property and surplus cash for investment purposes.

Subsidiaries then assume day-to-day operations, including administrative, commercial and financial responsibilities. Assets held by the holding company can be leased to subsidiaries if required, but must be protected from creditors and the risks associated with trading companies.

With a group structure, the risk to subsidiaries is minimized if any of them perform poorly or become insolvent. This would not be the case if everything were operated within a single company, which would then bear all the risks associated with the failure of a particular department or departments.

Setting up a business in london

Setting up a business in London can be an attractive proposition, given the city’s dynamic economic environment and the opportunities it offers. Here are the key steps to setting up a business in London:

1. Choosing the legal structure
The most common legal structures for businesses in the UK are :

Sole Trader
Limited Company
Public Limited Company

2. Register your company
a. Registration for Sole Traders and Partnerships

b. Registration for Limited Companies

Register your company with the English Companies Registry.

3. Choosing a Company Name
Make sure the name is unique and does not infringe on existing trademarks.

4. Business address
Provide a business address in London. You can use a home address, a business address or a registered address service.

5. Compliance and Licensing
Make sure your company complies with regulations specific to your industry.

6. Accounting and Tax
Open a business bank account.
Set up an accounting system.
Register for VAT (if applicable).
Prepare to submit annual tax returns.

7. Insurance
Take out the necessary insurance to protect your business, such as professional indemnity insurance.

8. Recruiting
If you plan to hire employees, make sure you understand your legal obligations in terms of employment law and payroll.

9. Promotion and marketing
Develop a marketing strategy to promote your business.
Create a website and use social networks to reach your target audience.

10. Support and advice
Consider joining local entrepreneur networks or chambers of commerce for advice and support.

Following these steps will help you launch your business in London in a structured way that complies with local regulations.

If a Company in Europe (in or near the European Union) has no physical presence (employees, premises) in its host country (the country in which it is registered), i.e. has no real activity and therefore no economic substance in its host country, it must pay corporation tax in the country where the activity is actually carried out. This corporate tax is then at the rate set by the country where the activity is carried out. A non-tax resident (expatriate or not) is an employee or company owner who is not established for tax purposes in the country where he or she works. The non-tax-resident owner of a Company in Europe (in or near the European Union) must pay taxes in his or her country of tax residence. For France, the principle of tax residence is applied: “Your tax domicile is in France if it is your main place of residence, i.e. if you stay there for more than 6 months of the year”

Creating a cross-border company in Europe (in or near the European Union) also means establishing economic substance (actual local organization of the business: offices, premises, activity, materialization, resources, etc.), which will be complicated for you to achieve in a distant country, in your capacity as company owner, if you are not resident in the country where your company is located. The non-existence of an economic substance of a Company in Europe (in or near the European Union) is equivalent to the de facto operation and tax establishment of the company, in the country of tax residence of the owner of the company. For European nationals, setting up a Company incorporation in Europe means making it easier to establish the company, and then to manage the administrative, accounting, production, marketing and tax declarations in the country where the company is headquartered. Not forgetting the company owner’s tax obligations in his country of tax residence.

The company must have a registered office address in London; we provide this for €41 + VAT/month, including digital mail management. As an optional extra, you can have access to an office or meeting room.

As an option, on request and subject to quotation, we can help you create the economic substance of your company (location, materialization, recruitment, organization, development).

*The registration of a bank account* by a third party is illegal, even with a power of attorney; we invite you to be wary of sites offering to open a bank account* for you. An independent manager from our company, an account manager working for the bank, will call you to handle your request to open a bank account*. Our service is to put you in touch with the bank, not to open a bank account*. The bank has the sole right to decide whether or not to open a bank account* (art. L. 312-1, II CMF). The bank’s decision is based on the applicant’s profile and eligibility to open a bank account*. We do not open a bank account ourselves and do not guarantee the opening of a bank account*. Banking introduction* is a service obligation, not a performance obligation or a results requirement. See our other special conditions and our Terms of use, sales and privacy policy.